Reverse: 1999 Wiki
Yenisei Icon
Exhibition Details
An arcanist's work, exhibited for 16 years since the early 19th century and completed in Spring, on March 4. First exhibited in the Tula Governorate of the Russian Empire before being moved to St. Petersburg. After spending a few years in St. Petersburg, the exhibit traveled to various locations, both within and outside the Empire.

Yenisei (小叶尼塞) is a Star Arcanist in Reverse: 1999 introduced in Version 1.6.

The "Indifferent" Protector. However, beneath that aloof exterior, Yenisei cares deeply for those she is determined to protect.[1]


Basic Statistics
Base Lvl.
Max Lvl.
Insight I
Max Lvl.
Insight II
Max Lvl.
Insight III
Max Lvl.
ATK Icon Attack 207 314 526 784 922
HP Icon Health 1575 2390 4008 5976 7031
RDEF Icon Real DEF 120 182 304 454 534
MDEF Icon Mental DEF 120 182 304 454 534
Tech Icon Technique 275 275 311 347 383
Special Statistics
Insight I
Insight II
Insight III
CRate Icon Crit. Rate 9.2% 10.4% 11.6% 12.8%
CDMG Icon Crit. DMG 143.8% 145.6% 147.4% 149.2%


Inheritance Effects
Insight Icon 1 When casting a rank 2 or rank 3 Debuff-type basic incantation, consume 1 stack of [Flow] and grants Moxie +1 to self. When entering battle, instantly gain 3 stacks of [Flow].
Insight Icon 2 When entering battle, Healing Done +10%.
Insight Icon 3 When casting a Heal-type basic incantation, consume 1 stack of [Flow] and enter [Empower Incantation I] status for 1 round (only effective when not in the [Empower Incantation I] status).
Empower Incantation I: When a round begins, a random incantation gains +1 star.
Portrait Effects
Lvl. 1 Action Taker: at rank 1/2/3, deals 220/230/400% Mental DMG.
Lvl. 2 Overprotective When entering battle, gain 1 extra stack of [Flow].
Lvl. 3 The Rapids Know All: The [Shield] granted to allies is increased to (Yenisei's Max HP ×30%) HP.
Lvl. 4 Overprotective: When entering battle, additional Healing Done +8%.
Lvl. 5 The Rapids Know All: The [Shield] granted to allies is increased to (Yenisei's Max HP ×35%) HP.
Shield: Blocks certain DMG for a certain duration.

Upgrade Materials
Insight I Insight II Insight III
Page of Starlit Ascent
Shattered Bones
Milled Magnesia
Scroll of Starlit Ascent
Spell of Fortune
Clawed Pendulum
Tome of Starlit Ascent
Silver Bullet
Max Lvl.
Insight I
Max Lvl.
Insight II
Max Lvl.
Insight III
Max Lvl.
Yenisei Artifice
Do not stop, do not falter. Keep moving forward until the soles of your shoes wear thin, until your strength fades, until your breath runs out.


Yenisei Skill Card 1
Action Taker
Arcane Skill
✦✧✧ "Ф Prepare your glass bottles before heading out."
1-target attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG.
Attack Attribute
✦✦✧ "Ф Prepare your glass bottles before heading out. Used for storing water."
1-target attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG. DMG Dealt -20% for the target for 2 rounds.
Debuff Attribute
✦✦✦ "Ф Prepare your glass bottles before heading out. Used for storing water and other purposes."
1-target attack. Deals 350% Mental DMG. Inflicts DMG Dealt -25% for the target for 2 rounds.
Debuff Attribute
Yenisei Skill Card 2
Words of Water
Human Skill
✦✧✧ "Ф She doesn't like to express herself."
1-target heal. Recovers (the user's Max HP ×15%) HP to an ally and grants 1 stack of [Sturdiness] to the target. Then, recovers (the user's Max HP ×10%) HP to the ally with the lowest HP percentage.
Health Attribute
✦✦✧ "Ф She doesn't like to express herself. It's not because of her personality."
1-target heal. Recovers (the user's Max HP ×25%) HP to an ally and grants 1 stack of [Sturdiness] to the target. Then, recovers (the user's Max HP ×15%) HP to the ally with the lowest HP percentage and grants 1 stack of [Sturdiness] to the target.
Health Attribute
✦✦✦ "Ф She doesn't like to express herself. It's not because of her personality, but because of water."
1-target heal. Recovers (the user's Max HP ×40%) HP to an ally and grants 1 stack of [Sturdiness] to the target. Then, recovers (the user's Max HP ×25%) HP to the ally with the lowest HP percentage and grants 1 stack of [Sturdiness] to the target.
Health Attribute
Sturdiness: When attacked, DMG Taken Reduction +25% (-1 stack after trigger).
Yenisei Ultimate Card
The Rapids Know All
"Ф From where one comes, to where one returns."
Mass buff. Grants a Shield with (the user's Max HP ×25%) HP to all allies for 2 rounds. Grants [Immunity] to the targets for 1 round. Grants 2 additional stacks of [Flow] to self.
Flow: After consumption, gain Moxie or Empower Incantation (up to 3 stacks).
Immunity: Immune to [Stats Down], [Neg Status], and [Control] statuses.


Opaque Glass Bottle
Wool Cape
"Equestrian Skirt"
Yenisei Item 1 Yenisei Item 2 Yenisei Item 3
Some "valuable" gifts from London, made in the standard shapes and sizes found in many glass factories. She can tell the value of an object at a glance, and she's always sensitive to any ulterior motives behind gifts. Judging by the replacement rate of these bottles, she has made the most of them. Every Russian child knows it—it is the second blanket, under which one wraps oneself against the icy wind of the long winter. It can be made of various materials; in general, the wool ones are warmer than the cotton ones, and the patterns embroidered with gold thread last much longer than the usual colored threads... the list goes on. A skirt modified from an outdated evening gown for easier movement during outdoor activities. There are two straps on each side to hold the rolled-up hem in place, so the long skirt doesn't become a headache when riding. An ingenious idea, if only reality would work like this.


In the beginning, the soothsayers were just soothsayers.

When the brick paved streets were still covered with stinking swamp mud, the arcanists known as "Soothsayer" were already there. They were there before the city walls overcame the wilderness.

They saw the Bulgars, the Hazaras, the Germans, and the Greeks come and go, preaching in vain in this land, until one day the Prince's envoy from Byzantium returned on horseback with scrolls.

The changes seemed to happen overnight:
Millions of onion domes covered the land like snow, erasing all traces of the Kievan Rus arcanists had once known. The ability to harness the power of nature was considered evil. It was still early before the European Inquisitions lit the pyres in this land, but many of the arcanists were still accused, tried, and quickly sunk to the bottom of the lakes...

It didn't matter to the Rusalki why these people were thrown into the water. As they brought another arcanist to shore, an offer was made in the glistening water...

The mermaid agreed to the exchange. That day, the "Soothsayer" died, but the "Waterkeeper" was born.

"This is just a story. It could happen to any race, not just arcanists. The Little Mermaid is fiction. The Rusalki don't necessarily have immortal souls, and the Waterkeepers are just the arcanists who control water... Nothing more."

She gently closes the fragile old book as she makes the sharp remark. Next to her, her little sister is fast asleep. She pokes at the fire to warm the room. Tonight, at least, neither of them has any questions that need to be answered by the divination.

The Notes' Excerpts
•April 11, 18■■ Sunny

The route through the Valdai Hills to Serbia has always been disliked by travelers because it is both a detour and mostly covered in thick mud. The river has put an end to my social life, but at its source there is nothing but an absurd number of swamps and countless lakes of various sizes. I have no interest in guessing from which of these lakes and swamps the water samples I used in palace divination came, and I certainly have no desire to do all that again, even if I had the chance.

The weather, however, is beyond reproach. I have plenty of time to sit down and get my head together.


•May 20, 18■■ Cloudy

... Rivers are rare in the steppes, but the Ishim is an exception ... It's already summer, and I saw two churches flooded because of their proximity to the river. One of them seemed to have been built during the reign of Catherine the Great (to be confirmed), for its architectural style was common in that era. Surrounded by the (Unrecognizable, possibly the name of a certain architecture or the description of it), the Ishim must have been a beautiful sight when it was peaceful.

(Unrecognizable handwriting, blurred by water stains) ... is different. Both the icy water in the summer and the swift current reminded me of the days I spent by the Vyatka River when I was still in the Tula countryside. It was good to be alone by the river, but there was nothing to be proud of if you fell into the water and got frozen... When I was traveling, I sometimes wondered if I would get myself killed one day because I was too "arrogant" to have travel company.


•June 17, 18■■ Sleeting

The weather does not look good, nor do our supplies. I have to set out again, to the source of the Yenisei. It's up north. If I'm lucky, I might see some other northern lights than the ones I saw during the White Night festivals.

Wish me luck.


•August 13, 18■■ Cloudy

This may be the end of this diary. The St. Pavlov Foundation will provide me with another diary, one that is more waterproof. They said they all use this special kind of paper. I just hope they also have pens that write down everything I say by themselves ...


•August 15, 18■■ Sunny

... They really have pens that write down everything I say by themselves! I asked for one. I hope to show it to Ms. Bessmert one day.

Who IS Hosting
Pandora Wilson: What made you decide to leave home without any worries?
Pandora Wilson: I heard that your adventures were not funded or supported by the court or any family. It must be hard for a well-born Russian aristocratic arcanist like yourself.
Yenisei: My grandfather held the title, not me.
Yenisei: And we do not lead an extravagant lifestyle. May I ask you to put aside your prejudices before you ask the questions?
Yenisei: I thought UTTU was a magazine of higher standards.
Pandora Wilson: So you have heard of us.
Yenisei: ...Yes, only because Ms. Bessmert was interested in you. So I looked you up a little.
Yenisei: Now that I see it, that little piece of note might just be a coincidence.
Pandora Wilson: I think the more you learn about us, the more you will see past your prejudices, too. So, you seem to care a lot about Bessmert ...
Yenisei: ...
Yenisei: You seem to be in contact with her...
Yenisei: ... how is she these days?

Wilderness Conversation[]

「Yenisei - Max Bond Wilderness Conversation」
Yenisei Icon Walking along the rivers, leaving my homeland, and going further and further... I've grown accustomed to moving.
I can ask the rivers questions and receive their responses, but not every question has an answer.
For instance... in which waters should I settle?
Perhaps one day, I'll set off again, realizing that my previous stop was just temporary.
But your land, forests, and streams... they're so endearingly pleasant.


  • Till the Last Drop Limited Event Summon (1.6)
  • Permanent Arcanist Summon Pool (From 1.9 onwards)


  • Yenisei shares her name with the river system Yenisey, with her name being an alternate romanization of the native Russian name.



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