According to the in-game ATLAS, the arcanist magazine UTTU classifies arcanists into 5 categories, which are presumably based on their background or arcane nature.
The Beyond[]
Arcanists from beyond this world. They have origins that are linked to something outside the natural world, instead of arcanum.
Voyager | Jessica | aliEn T |
The Awakened[]
Awakened arcanists are those who started off as simple, inanimate objects but later gained sentience and awareness.
Lucy | APPLe | Sputnik | Ms. Radio |
A general term for those who are born with a different physiology that makes them able to sense and use arcanum.
The Mixed[]
Mixed arcanists are those born from both human and arcanist lineages.
Jiu Niangzi | Satsuki | Pavia |
The Infected[]
Although very little is known, they are the 5% of surviving victims of the Beyond Disease, which causes significant changes to their bodies and minds.
Semmelweis |
While those of mankind are unable to naturally use arcanum, for the sake of comprehension, they have still been categorized by UTTU.
Ezra |