Bifurcated Skeleton
A skeleton with 2 skulls. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.
What did the humans say again? Oh, what a poor, deformed little thing! But guess what the arcanists say. Oh my, look at these sublime features only evident in the noblest of all blood lines!
Delicate Insight Casket | |
Craft in the Wilderness: Esoteric Bones (x3) Rough Silver Ingot (x1) Sharpodonty (x300) | |
Pawnshop | |
2ND-8 | Popular LiteratureHard Possible |
3RD-7 | ScottishHard Possible |
4TH-20 | Picnic on the LawnHard Possible |
Used by