Reverse: 1999 Wiki

Bifurcated Skeleton

Bifurcated Skeleton

A skeleton with 2 skulls. Used for Insight or Resonate rituals of characters. Also used as the material for crafting advanced materials.
What did the humans say again? Oh, what a poor, deformed little thing! But guess what the arcanists say. Oh my, look at these sublime features only evident in the noblest of all blood lines!

Delicate Insight CasketDelicate Insight Casket
Craft in the Wilderness: Esoteric BonesEsoteric Bones (x3) Rough Silver IngotRough Silver Ingot (x1) SharpodontySharpodonty (x300)
2ND-8 Popular LiteratureHard Possible
3RD-7 ScottishHard Possible
4TH-20 Picnic on the LawnHard Possible
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